Creation Evidence & Evangelim

We must regain our faith in God’s spoken words recorded in Gen 1-11, see the creation narrative through God’s eyes, and do our own research on creation which is proved with real science, rather the assumptions atheists posit. The church can regain confidence in all of the Bible, and we may see many more within the church better able to give a good answer to those who attack the Bible.

Jesus believed in Genesis 1-11 for he was there! People want to have faith and hope in something. Let’s again show our love for God and our neighbour for we have the whole truth. Let’s share it, and expect to see many more enter Heaven with us.

Creation Evidence

Are Humans Related to Chimps? DVD
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Global Warming DVD
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Millions of Years Where Did the Idea Come From? DVD
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Was Darwin Right? DVD
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Flood Geology DVD
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Evolution Not a Chance! DVD
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The Atheist Delusion DVD
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Evolution vs. God DVD
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The New Answers DVD 3
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The Genetics of Adam & Eve DVD
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Genetics, Evolution, And Creation The Most-Asked Questions DVD
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Biblical Creation DVD
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From Evolution to Creation by Gary E. Parker, EdD
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7 Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years by Dr. Terry Mortenson
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Doesn't Carbon Dating Disprove the Bible? by Mike Riddle
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Nothing Created Everything by Ray Comfort
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How Did Life Begin? by J Anderson
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Stones and Bones by Carl Wieland
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What the New Testament Says About Creation by Simon Turpin
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NKJV The Evidence Bible Hardback by Ray Comfort
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New Answers Book 1 by Ken Ham
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Did God Create in Six Days? Pocket Guide
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Climate Change A Biblical Perspective Pocket Guide
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The Global Flood Pocket Guide
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Human Missing Links Pocket Guide
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Should Christians Believe in an Old Earth? Pocket Guide
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The Human Body Pocket Guide
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Noah's Ark A Biblical and Scientific Look Pocket Guide
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Science Vs The Bible Pocket Guide
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A Young Earth Pocket Guide
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Dinosaurs Is There a Biblical Explanation? Pocket Guide
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Astronomy What is the Biblical Perspective? Pocket Guide
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Evolution & Darwin Pocket Guide
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Best Evidences Pocket Guide
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Logic & Faith Pocket Guide
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The Bible How Do We Know it Can be Trusted? Pocket Guide
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The Answers Book for Kids Volume 5 by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge
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The Answers Book for Kids Volume 2 by Ken Ham
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Satan & The Serpent Pocket Guide
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Is Atheism a Religion? Pocket Guide
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The Tower of Babel Pocket Guide
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New Answers Book 2 by Ken Ham
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New Answers Book 3
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New Answers Book 4
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Social Issues Pocket Guide
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