First Steps


Becoming a Christian is the start of a new life and there is a lot to learn. First Steps aims to lead you step by step to a fuller understanding of what Christians believe and to help you live your life with God.

Jesus once told a story about two builders. The wise one built his house on the rock, the foolish one built his house on the sand. When the storms came, the house on the rock stood firm, but the other one fell down because it had such poor foundations. Jesus said that if we hear his words and put them into practice, then, like that wise man, we will have a firm foundation for our life which will not shift when the storms come. I hope and pray that First Steps will help you build a solid foundation for your life. - John Robertshaw

15 Studies each 4 pages long with spaces for answers and comments.

- Becoming a Christian - A Child of God - I Forgive You - The Bible - Water Baptism - Bread and Wine - Jesus is Alive - Holy Spirit - Talking with God - Servant of God - Know the Enemy - Victory in Jesus - The Church - The Future - Fishers of Men

Also useful information for new Christians.

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