Incomparable: Explorations in the Character of God by Andrew Wilson


There is no greater pursuit, no greater journey, and no greater joy than discovering the extraordinary character of God.

Incomparable explores sixty names and descriptions of our creator. Each chapter is filled with profound Biblical insights and revelations that will inspire and enrich your faith. Selah moments allow for a time of reflection and worship. And practical applications connect each truth with your daily life. Throughout, Incomparable unfolds the greatest wonder our minds and hearts will ever contemplate.

Immerse yourself in His character. Delve into the depths of His presence. And experience a God that is truly beyond compare.

This new edition adds a further sixteen mini-chapters, called Selahs. These are additional reflections, inserted throughout the book, aimed to apply practically some of the theology that has been taught in the previous chapters. The Selahs come in four types:

  • "Read and Reflect" gives a key passage of Scripture to meditate on

  • "Pause and Pray" gives a suggested prayer with which to follow up what has been said

  • "Stop and Study" gives direction for further reading on more complex or controversial topics

  • "Wait and Worship" gives various hymns and songs which focus on the relevant attribute of God

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