It Ain't Over Till It's Over by R. T. Kendall


Persevere for Answered Prayers and Miracles in Your Life

Have you spent hours, days, or even years in prayer for a specific need?

Victory is on the way. One of the greatest strategies of the enemy is to convince Christians to give up on their faith. If he can't succeed at that, then his objective is to get them to settle for less than what God has planned for them. As a result, many people give up when victory is just around the corner.

For anyone who has felt like throwing in the towel, this book brings encouragement. Don't give up! Keep running the race. Not only can you finish, but you can finish well. There is more! It's not over! Stir your faith to believe for:

o Miracles that you never thought possible

o Restorement for the most seemingly un-mendable marriages

o The return of prodigal sons and daughters

o Healing of life threatening diseases, hearts and minds

o Financial provision and blessing

...and much more!

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