Faith Confirmed Paperback Preparing for Confirmation by Chris Wright, Peter Jackson

  • A confirmation guide for new Church members

  • This book lays out in an approachable manner the basics of faith and Church

  • You'll have a valuable resource to help people in their journey to God

‘Faith Confirmed’ is the bestselling resource for guiding spiritual wanderers into the Anglican faith. Now updated and redesigned to fit into the 21st century, the confirmation participants guide covers every aspect of Christian living, preparing the heart and minds of individuals and groups.

Since it was first published, ‘Faith Confirmed’ has sold over 50,000 copies and been used all across the nation. This tired and tested resource has helped many people to explore the Anglican faith, encouraged participants to decide whether they wish to be confirmed and help them smoothly engage with church life and continue their journey into a real and genuine faith.

The resource confronts the big questions people have when thinking about confirmation:
•  What is the purpose of life?
•  How can we know God?
•  Why is Jesus’ death so important?
•  How should I pray?
•  Do I have to go to church to be a Christian?

Each section contains a clear explanation of what Anglicans believe, stories that further explore the subjects, questions for personal reflection or group discussion, Bible studies and encouragement to reflect and prayer. Also, the helpful resource encourages the participant to apply what they have learnt to their everyday life.

Suitable for group or personal use, this highly engaging and informative book, now given a make-over, will help to instigate and invigorate church growth, spiritually renewal and refreshing new life in your church. 144 pages

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