Is Hell for Real? Paperback And other questions about judgement, eternity and the God of love by Erik Raymond


Looking for answers to big questions?

  • This book acknowledges Hell as a stumbling block for millions

  • Perfect for giving you the answers you seek

Hell is as much a stumbling block for thoughtful Christians, as it is a tool for passionate, old-school preachers. It has provoked countless doubts and honest questions for believers. Some of whom found the idea of an all-loving God and eternal torment wholly incompatible, and turned their back on the Church. It has appeared in classical paintings by Hieronymus Bosch, as well as Halloween episodes of The Simpsons, and it is an image even children are often familiar with.

But what do we really know about Hell?

And what does the Bible really say about Hell?

Providing answers to the very real and honest doubts thinking Christians and sceptics have about damnation, Erik Raymond explores openly the origins of Hell, and what it means for Christianity.

This book does not exist to scare readers into piety. Nor does it want to paint a soft-as-cotton interpretation of the Biblical text. Rather, it seeks to acknowledge your doubts, your questions and problems with Hell, and answer them.

This short book is perfect for seasoned Christians with doubts, as well as anyone seeking to understand faith, and what that entails. Its compassion for incredulity make Is Hell Real? a reliable source of answers to the paradox at the heart of people the world over.

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