Journey Together Towards Reconciliation for Catechists and Accompanying Parents by Paddy Rylands
These books are designed for catechists and priests working with parents whose children are preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Their aim is to produce and support parents who are interested, involved and committed.
Structured meeting plans provide parents with the skills to fully support their children at these important times in their lives.
Paddy Rylands leaves nothing to chance - from planning the venue to preparing the leadership team and how to get the most out of each specific topic.
Sessions can either be held monthly or weekly in a block before the children's sessions. All come with a general outline, team preparation, family sheet, session notes and handout.
forms part of the parish's overall provision of adult catechesis
supports parents both before and after preparation for these Sacraments
user-friendly format and photocopiable sheets. 128 pages.